Pursuing a Bold.org Scholarship So I Can Keep Writing the Books You Love

Hello to all my fans and friends!

I know this past year has been absolutely insane. It’s really taught me to look on the bright side. Even though COVID and the need to homeschool have caused quite a bit of stress, I have also embarked on some wonderful new adventures and achieved some major milestones that will help me become a better writer and publisher. You’ll be happy to know that book 6 in the Paranormal Misfits series is due to be released in August. Finally. Homeschooling kids has been a rough one, leaving little time to write.

Not only was I homeschooling, but I was also pursuing my bachelor’s in communication, which I finally finished two weeks ago. Now I’m shooting for a master’s in publishing this year, and that has led me to find as many scholarships and grants as I can. Work-from-home moms who are also authors and support four kids are not exactly in the money. LOL Scholarships are saving me and facilitating my master’s in publishing so I can continue to write books you love and help other authors write and publish their wonderful works.

I’ve been applying for as many scholarships as I can through Bold.org, and I have found it really beneficial. Since I know many of you are also pursuing your degrees and finding it difficult to pay for student loans and tuition, I thought I would share the website with you so you can cover your educational expenses and find some peace of mind in the process. We all need it after the last year we’ve lived through.

Something I really love about these scholarships is how easy it is to apply. They cover a wide variety of majors, and they give you the opportunity to nominate others for scholarships, which increases the likelihood of you being nominated and awarded scholarships. This idea of spreading the wealth around and uplifting others rather than competing against each other appeals to me on so many levels. It goes right along with my indie author values of supporting other authors since there are plenty of readers to go around. There are plenty of scholarships to go around as well.

If any of you are interested, please feel free to use my link and start applying for these scholarships at Bold.org. You will find it an exceptional resource for receiving financial aid.

To all my wonderful readers and writers, stay tuned for more info about Paranormal Misfits and audiobooks. The third audiobook in the series is out, and I want everyone to get their coupon codes so you can enjoy a good listen.

Happy reading, my friends.

C.J. Anaya