My Residency Starts in July

For those of you following my personal progress in this lovely world of publishing, you’ll know I’m starting my Masters in publishing with a residency in the summer. I get to study under world-renowned author Kevin J. Anderson, a truly awesome dude and author of books in the Dune series, Star Wars series and X-Files series just to name a few. I’ll get a chance to produce and publish two projects under his publishing company and learn a side of publishing I’ve not yet mastered.

Traditional publishing!

While I’m an Indie author at heart and a coach for those wanting to learn how to write and start their own publishing business, I’ve been eager to learn this side of the publishing world and see what it has to offer. I love people, and I especially love meeting new people. So this venture, coupled with my many interests, is right up my alley.

And for those of you wondering if I’ve forgotten all about my writing due to this particular career pursuit. The answer to that is a resounding no. My Fair Queen, the final book in Paranormal Misfits, will release August 31, 2021. Not only am I thrilled to publish an awesome end to this series, I’m excited to write a spin-off series starring the characters you’ve grown to love throughout Crysta and Jareth’s journey.

I’ve also added about 20,000 words to My Fair Assassin to incorporate Jareth’s perspective, something I plan to do to books two and three as well. Those on my mailing list will get the updated version for free, so make sure you subscribe to my newsletter if you haven’t already.

That’s it for now! I’ll keep you updated on all my learning, writing, and anything else happening in my life. I’ll try to keep it exciting.

Happy reading, my friends.